Mystery Cave Tour

Mystery Cave Tour

Mystery Cave Tour Forestville, MN

July 2022

Forestville Mystery Cave State Park is a state park in SE Minnesota. Below ground, the park contains Mystery Cave, the MN’s longest cave. The cave includes stalactites, stalagmites, underground pools, and is a constant 48 degrees. It has over 13 miles of passages in two rock layers. 

Geologic history: About 450 million years ago sedimentary rocks were deposited as the land was intermittently covered by shallow seas that transgressed and regressed. Over time, lots of time, deposits of mud and oceanic debris were compressed to form limestone, shale, and sandstone layers. Today these layers are 1,300 feet above sea level. Within the last 500,000 to 1,000,000 years flood waters dissolved along fractures in the limestone bedrock to create most of the cave. Acidic rainwater also sculpted the land around the cave, creating thousands of sinkholes and other karst features. 

We initially went to Forestville last year with the Brophy’s camping. While there we did the standard cave tour but found out that they have a more adventurous excursion called the Wild Cave Tour. It’s a “strenuous and very physical tour”. It includes 3-4 hours of climbing, crawling, stooping, and stretching, to traverse the cave. While there, Tim, David, and I (Jen was a hard NO) said we were doing it in 2022. 

As 2022 arrived, I kept an eye on when the tours came online for the new season and got us signed up for a Saturday that we all had available. The tour takes up to 5 people -since we had 4 people already, we started looking for a fifth. Unfortunately, no one wanted to go…. 🤷‍♀️ I get it. I’m unusual for most/some women in that while I like to get all “dolled” up for some things, I also like to do challenging, adrenaline activities-except bungee jumping- no way am I doing that. 

When we arrived, we got checked in and spent 30 minutes getting the lowdown, signing waivers and getting our lockers and gear. They supplied coveralls, helmet, headlamp with 2 additional backups and additional batteries, gloves, elbow pads, knee pads and a bag to hold our water, snacks, phone, and backup headgear. 

The cave is a constant 48 degrees so we wore long underwear underneath the coveralls, but you didn’t need anything additional for warmth- with all the crawling, and maneuvering underground, we were plenty warm. 

We were underground for about 3 1/2 to 4 hours and of that, we were probably on our hands and knees crawling for about 2 hours and belly crawling for about 20 minutes altogether!! The next day my body was definitely telling me it wasn’t used to that type of exercise! We were underground 200 feet in one area.

I Thoroughly enjoyed the caving tour! I was a little worried about going because I had been experiencing major lower back pain, but with 3 ibuprofen- I did it! 

Even with knee pads, my legs got pretty beaten up 🤣